Are you planning to sell your small business? If so, there is a good possibility that you will be asked by the potential buyer or business broker to provide some form of seller financing in order to close the deal. In 2014, more than 80% of business brokers surveyed by BizBuySell, a leading internet marketplace for selling businesses, said that seller financing is either important or essential to completing the sales process. Before you decide to either provide seller financing or not, it’s important for you to understand the due diligence tools that are available to you and can provide valuable information, enabling you to make the best decision.
Part 1 of 4 on Employment Screening: The Importance of Validating Credentials
Hiring a new employee can be exciting. It can mean that the business is growing or it can be a relief to fill a critical vacant position. It can also be very risky if the new employee isn't able to perform at the expected level, is intent on defrauding the company, or if the screening process is non-compliant with the applicable regulations. To mitigate this risk, businesses need to perform comprehensive and compliant pre-employment screenings.